**Five Market Segment Reports Assist Members in Understanding Current Customer Demographics and Behaviors**
“In today’s business climate, with an abundance of information shared through social media and readily available on the Internet, the best way to gain an advantage is to have more actionable information on consumers and to be able to leverage that data,” commented Tom Ingram, Executive Director of DEMA. “By using the data in these reports, it will help your business by targeting potential new end-users. Businesses can use the reports to help determine the best geographic locations in which to locate potential end-users nationwide and near retail stores, and to determine which services and products meet end-users’ needs.”
Information in the report includes demographics and psychographics of end-users, and is based on the location of the home in which the end-user resides. Each report covers data ranging from age, income, net worth, and home ownership/value, to stages of family life and education, employment and other behaviors that govern their recreational purposes. Understanding these variables provides a better awareness of customer buying behaviors and an understanding of where to find more and similar customers and is also far more reliable than single variable studies using age or income alone. The reports coincide with FREE infographics posters which summarize key findings of the research.
“Using this information can help businesses describe their customers as well as determine such important issues as whether the end-user is attracted to shopping online, has children in the household and whether or not they are married,” concluded Ingram. “All of these factors can have an impact on the message businesses select for advertising and sales program development to reach customers.”
The reports are available free to all DEMA Members, and can be purchased by non-members for $249.00 each. Members can obtain their free report by logging into their account on DEMA.org and downloading the report found under the "Research & Educational Guides" section of their DEMA Member Dashboard. Non-members can order their report here.