Wednesday, July 29, 2015

DEMA’s Be A Diver Pool Introduces Scuba Diving to Wounded Warriors at Adaptive Watersports Festival

**Pool Earns National and Local Broadcast Coverage that Reaches Over 1.8 Million Viewers**
The Be A Diver Pool made a special stop in Breezy Point, New York from July 10th to 11th to participate in the Adaptive Watersports Festival. Big Wave Dave and the Be A Diver Pool teamed up with the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) for the 11th annual event to help veterans injured while serving participate in a variety of activities including scuba diving.
The Be A Diver Pool helped generate strong media coverage for the event and was spotlighted on Fox 5 New Yorkevening news and Fox News Channel’s National ProgramFox and Friends. Fox 5 News reporter Jodi Goldberg, interviewed Wounded Warriors at the Pool about how scuba diving has helped them cope with their injuries. Pool Tour Coordinator, “Big Wave Dave,” was also interviewed to discuss the benefits of Warriors completing their scuba certification. Footage of the Warriors in the Be A Diver Pool was highlighted throughout the Fox and Friends news segment on the Festival. These media placements were seen by an audience of approximately 1,849,102 viewers. To view both placements click here
“Working with the Wounded Warrior Project helps DEMA demonstrate that scuba diving is a sport that people of any age or physical condition can enjoy,” commented Dave. No matter what your physical challenges are, you’re as able as an able bodied diver.”
DEMA Member Retailers B.A.D. ScubaBlue Water DiversSki & Scuba Connection and Handicapped Scuba Association International participated in the event to help veterans complete their try diving experience.
The Pool also made a stop in Pittsburgh the weekend of July 17th and exhibited at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium. Scuba Diving was highlighted as one of the top activities to try for attendees and was featured on Pittsburgh’s KDKA-CBS evening news. The segment reached an audience of 199,984 viewers.
The Be A Diver Pool tour has six confirmed stops remaining in 2015 and will be exhibiting at the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium, Denver Downtown Aquarium, Fall Fun Rally, Houston Downtown Aquarium, Riverfest and the Fort Meyer’s Boat Show. For more information visit
Making stops throughout the year at various consumer-oriented travel, outdoor activity and adventure shows, the Be A Diver Pool gives anyone 10 years old and up the opportunity to discover the fun and exciting sport of scuba diving for FREE in the comfort of a large, tropically warm pool. Event attendees are also able to test out some of the latest scuba equipment, and learn why Bonaire is known as one of the top scuba diving destinations in the world. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Surge with The Current: Promote the Benefits of Diving Using Promotional Video Clips and Materials from Make A Hero’s Latest Film

**DEMA Members Have Free Direct Access to Materials Featuring Stars Bethany Hamilton of Soul Surfer;Olympic Medalist, Missy Franklin and More Through**
As announced during the Annual Member Meeting at DEMA Show 2014, DEMA has partnered with the Make A Hero Foundation to provide DEMA Members with access to content that can help promote recreational diving using Make A Hero’s film, The Current.  The Current is the second adaptive sports film by Make a Hero, which showcases inspiring adaptive athletes, public figures, athlete ambassadors and military veterans who have donated their efforts in support of this film.

The Current tells the story of seven individuals from all walks of life all of whom have faced incredible obstacles and found the drive and inspiration to overcome their disabilities. Through scuba diving, snorkeling and other watersports they have discovered and rediscovered freedom of movement. In this film we will get to know these heroes. “The Current is important to the Diving Industry because it showcases the ‘Healing Power of the Ocean’ through inspiring stories about scuba diving and other water sports,” explained Producer and Director Kurt Miller, CEO of the Make A Hero Foundation. DEMA Members will have access to promotional materials and clips from the film through DEMA to help them promote diving and highlight the many beneficial aspects of scuba and other watersports.” “DEMA is excited about this film and the universal message it carries about the strength of the human spirit, and the healing power of the ocean” commented Tom Ingram, Executive Director of DEMA. “We are very excited to have partnered with the Make A Hero Foundation so that our Members have fresh new content to share for their own promotions of scuba diving.”

The film is currently being featured in media markets across the country including top ten- designated marketing areas such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia and many more. Now is the optimal time for DEMA Members to surge with The Current to promote the healing power of the ocean and the benefits of scuba diving. DEMA Members can find out when the film will be playing in their area and access movie trailers, character images and more by visiting the Member Dashboard on and clicking on The Current: Exclusive Marketing Materials. Additional information on the movie is available on the Make A Hero website

 Market the Healing Power of the Ocean in Your Store
Download and use these flyers when showing the film in your store.
 Download PDF Download PDF Download PDF

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

With the Florida Lobster Mini-Season Approaching, Dive Safety PSA & Poster Provide Safety Reminders

**DEMA and Divers Alert Network (DAN) Provide Tips to Increase Diver Safety for Florida’s Lobster Mini-Season July 29-30, 2015**
With the 2015 Florida Lobster Mini-Season just  one month away, DEMA has updated their Lobster Mini-Season poster and is circulating a 30-second PSA in an effort to increase diver safety.  Both the poster and PSA remind divers to be prepared for the upcoming mini-season. DEMA Members are encouraged to print the Lobster Mini-Season poster and to display it in the store, distribute it to their customers, and share it electronically with their own online community. Both the poster and PSA are part of DEMA’s ongoing campaign to encourage divers to refresh their training and maintain their equipment prior to getting back in the water.   
“By circulating this PSA and poster before the two-day lobster mini-season opens , we hope divers will start preparing for Florida’s annual Lobster hunt and be reminded to adhere to necessary safety measures when hunting for lobsters, including diving with a buddy,” commented Tom Ingram, Executive Director of DEMA. “With increased awareness of the recommended safety procedures, we hope to keep diving safe for everyone during this 2015 mini-season.”
The 30-second PSA was produced by DEMA in partnership with Divers Alert Network and specifically timed for the two-day Florida Lobster mini-season opening on July 29 and ending July 30. It was created to encourage divers to visit their local dive center to update their dive equipment and refresh and advance their dive training.
In addition to being made available to the Industry for download and sharing, the poster and PSA will be promoted as a social media campaign via DEMABe A Diver, and DiveCaching Twitter & Facebook pages prior to and during the Lobster Mini-Season, as well as on social media sites of affiliated organizations. The poster is now available to be viewed, shared and downloaded and the PSA can be viewed and shared via the Be A Diver YouTube channel. All divers and Industry Professionals are encouraged to share the PSA with their social media friends and followers and their local diving community to spread this important message. 

Opposition to the Cayman Islands Cruise Ship Berthing Facility is URGENTLY NEEDED

DEMA urgently requests all members of the diving community to issue a statement to the Cayman Islands Department of Environment (DOE) by the July 3rd deadline OPPOSING the construction of a proposed cruise ship berthing facility. 

The Cayman Islands Department of Environment has made the Draft Non-Technical Summary of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed Grand Cayman Cruise Berthing Facility available.  Comments on the Draft Statement, Non-technical statement and the Technical Appendices must be submitted in any of the following ways: 
  1. In writing electronically via e-mail to
  2. Mailed to Department of Environment, P.O. Box 10202, Grand Cayman KY1-1002
  3. Hand delivered to Department of Environment, Environmental Centre, 580 North Sound Road, George Town, Grand Cayman 
The comment period will officially close on Friday 3 July 2015. 

The technical data can be found in various links seen here:

DEMA's opinion is that the construction and operation of this facility will be devastating to the natural coral reefs.  Damage will occur due to direct dredging action, turbidity and siltation on the living reefs near Georgetown during construction and additional damage will likely be caused by the on-going dredging required to maintain the berthing facility, as outlined in the June 2, 2015 Environmental Statement.  In addition, in studying the data presented in the draft Environmental Statement, the actual economic benefit to the Cayman Islands appears to be questionable, involving millions of dollars to re-locate a shipwreck (the Balboa) and portions of the living reef with a result that there would still be a net loss of living coral. 

Given that tourists arriving by air to the Cayman Islands (rather than cruise ship) account for 77% of the tourist revenue generated there, it appears to make little economic sense to destroy the very fabric of Grand Cayman's attraction to tourists, to accommodate a greater number of cruise ships ferrying tourists who, according the Environmental Statement, spend an average of less than $CI 100 per person on island.

All divers and all dive professionals are URGED to make comments directly to the Cayman Islands Department of Environment prior to the July 3rd deadline.