On May 19th and 20th, the DEMA Board of Directors gathered for a Quarterly Board Meeting. Discussion included an update on the Go Dive Now consumer marketing campaign, review of the Association’s structure, discussion of Membership Benefits, a review of the 2015 Financial Audit, and more.
Following approval of the consent agenda, key topics and actions for the coming year were discussed:
Go Dive Now: Industry-Wide, Collaborative Consumer Marketing & Social Media CampaignThe Board was provided with an update on the progress of the Go Dive Now campaign by the DEMA staff. The Board discussed the campaign’s Facebook ad focus, noting that while pay-per-click advertising will be used, it will not be the main medium.. The Board reviewed the basis for Facebook advertising targeting. Currently the area immediately surrounding each DEMA’s Member Retailers’ store location is being targeted. As additional dive centers join DEMA, these will be incorporated into the Facebook advertising buy and target zip codes will be updated to include these new relevant store locations. Ongoing evaluation of the entire campaign will help determine any necessary changes to the campaign’s strategy as it continues to develop.
Evaluation of Association Structure & Bylaws
The Board discussed the Association’s current dues and benefits structure and the possibility of offering additional tiered benefits based on each level of membership dues.
The Board also reviewed the Association’s current bylaws and discussed recommended changes as suggested by DEMA’s Strategic Consultant, including a change of elected officer titles (from President to Chair) and a change of chief staff officer from Executive Director to President/CEO. Additionally a recommendation was made to change Article IV, Section 5 to reflect that the membership application is reviewed by DEMA Staff, and to add a stipulation to Article XII to note that the sitting Board Chair cannot also serve as the Board Treasurer. All recommended changes to the bylaws were voted upon and passed.
Developments in Public Policy
The Board reviewed the Department of Labor’s new overtime wage regulations. It was noted that the Association’s new procurement of the CQ Roll Call online service will help provide information to DEMA Members proactively.
The Board discussed inviting local Members to participate in open sessions during future Board meetings wherever they are held throughout the country and discussed engaging in local diving. It was decided that local DEMA Member retailers within 100 miles of the meeting, as well as the Retailer Resource Committee, would be invited to the Board’s September meeting.
2015 Financial Audit Review
Mark Hennelly, Association Auditor with Hutchinson & Bloodgood LLP, joined the Board Meeting and reported on the successful completion of the Association’s recent financial audit. He noted that all operating procedures and accounting practices were being conducted appropriately according to required GAAP guidelines and that DEMA’s audit contained no significant discrepancies.
DEMA Show Scheduling
It was confirmed that the schedule of Show days for DEMA Show 2020 through 2023 will change from a Wednesday through Saturday schedule to a Tuesday through Friday staging.
The DEMA Board will meet again on September 13th & 14th in San Diego, CA. More information on DEMA’s Board of Directors and Bylaws is available on the DEMA website. Complete minutes from past Board of Directors Meetings are available to current DEMA Members from the Member Dashboard of www.dema.org.