Tuesday, August 20, 2024

DEMA Board of Directors to Meet this Week

 DEMA’s Board of Directors will hold a video Board meeting on August 22, 2024, to discuss how the association can support and serve the industry and its members in the coming year. The Board meeting will begin by voting to approve the “consent agenda,” a Robert’s Rules of Order device used to obtain “general consent” intended to expedite approval of routine items.

Prior to the Board meeting, all reports and other documents, including consent agenda items, are provided to the Board. This allows Board Members to study the documents in detail before the meeting so that the Board can spend its limited meeting time discussing forward-thinking items, policy, and strategic issues that demand its attention.

For August’s meeting, consent agenda items include:

  • April & May 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
  • June 2024 DEMA Show Committee Minutes
  • June 2024 DEMA International Membership Committee Minutes
  • June 2024 DEMA Manufacturers Committee Minutes
  • 2024 Q2 Financial Report and Manufacturers Fund Recap
  • DEMA Membership Update
  • 2024 DEMA Show Sales Report
  • DEMA Rewards Program Status

The Board will use meeting time to review DEMA’s annual financial audit, discuss the status of the DIVE BOAT Act, discuss Board-related matters and priorities for 2025, set a preliminary budget for the upcoming year, and discuss other relevant topics. The video meeting will conclude with the Board covering any new business or consent agenda items that may require further discussion.

More information on DEMA’s Board of Directors and Bylaws is available on the DEMA websiteComplete minutes from past Board of Directors Meetings are available to current DEMA Members from the Member Dashboard of DEMA.org.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

DEADLINE EXTENDED to August 12th for 2024 Wave Makers Award Nominations

These annual awards recognize new professionals who have been in the diving industry for 60 months or less, and are rising to the top and making a difference.

Honorees of the Wave Makers Award will be recognized at the Annual Membership Meeting taking place on November 20, 2024 during DEMA Show.

Learn more, check out our past recipients, and submit a nomination!


Cast Your Vote for the 2024 Diving Community Champion Award

DEMA's Diving Community Champion Award recognizes DEMA Member companies using diving to benefit their communities and the public. Nominations have been submitted and now it's YOUR turn to vote! 

The deadline to vote for the business YOU think deserves to be honored as this year's Platinum Diving Community Champion is 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time on August 26, 2024. 

*Please note: You'll need to log in using your 2024 DEMA Member username and password in order to vote.