Brand USA is the destination marketing organization for the United States with the mission of increasing incremental international visitation, spend, and market share to fuel the nation's economy and enhance the image of the USA worldwide. According to Brand USA, in the past three years alone, Brand USA has "welcome[d] more than 3 million incremental international visitors to the USA, benefiting the U.S. economy with more than $21 billion in business sales, and supporting, on average, nearly 50,000 incremental jobs a year." (Source)
As a U.S.-based member of the Recreational Diving Industry, which depends in part on travel and tourism to destinations around the United States, we ask you for your support in helping to protect Brand USA. Act now and make your voice heard by emailing your Senators and Representatives, urging them to support Brand USA in their final budget. You can easily do so by clicking here. When you complete the campaign form, your comments will be sent directly to your representative.
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