Wednesday, May 22, 2024

DEMA Board of Directors to Meet this Week

 DEMA’s Board of Directors will hold a video Board meeting on May 23, 2024, to discuss how the association can support and serve the industry and its members in the coming year. The Board meeting will begin by voting to approve the “consent agenda,” a Robert’s Rules of Order device used to obtain “general consent” intended to expedite approval of routine items.

The Board is provided all reports and other documents in advance of the Board meeting, including consent agenda items. This allows Board Members to study the documents in detail prior to the meeting so that the Board can spend its limited meeting time discussing forward-thinking items, policy, and strategic issues that demand its attention. For May’s meeting, consent agenda items include:

  • February 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
  • 2024 Q1 Financial Update & Manufacturers Fund Recap
  • DEMA Membership Update
  • DEMA Show 2024 Sales Update
  • Consumer Demographics and Life Stage Study
  • Blueprint for Growth: Retail Advertising Survey Results
  • Manufacturing Committee: Expansion Update
  • DEMA Show Committee Minutes
  • DEMA Research Committee Minutes
  • International Membership Committee Minutes

The Board will use meeting time to discuss DEMA Show-related matters, including future Show dates and venues, and security screening at DEMA Show. The Board will also discuss the latest developments with the DIVE BOAT Act and other lobbying efforts and the association’s objectives for 2025. The video meeting will conclude with the Board covering any new business or consent agenda items that may require further discussion.

More information on DEMA’s Board of Directors and Bylaws is available on the DEMA website. Complete minutes from past Board of Directors Meetings are available to current DEMA Members from the Member Dashboard of

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