Tuesday, May 28, 2013

DEMA Research Committee Establishes Objectives for the Remainder of 2013

In May of 2013, the DEMA Research Committee met to discuss objectives and begin development of a research work plan for the rest of the year. The Committee agreed on the importance of Industry data needed to understand the behavior of current and potential customers based on their life stages and other factors.  Confirmed committee objectives include:
·         Objective:  Produce an updated life-stage and demographic profile of the most active diver population(s) using DEMA’s marketing information system, produced by Pitney Bowes.  The goal of this objective is to assist DEMA members in understanding current divers and how to reach non-divers with similar purchasing power and behavior. This will include a review of several potential target consumers by age (e.g.: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y etc), demographic profiles and life stages, and their current buying patterns.
Outcome: Using the previous study (which became the basis for the Be A Diver advertising campaign) as a benchmark, update the information available on the most active diver.   This study will create segments using demographics of age and life stages (youth, older, more affluent, middle income, etc), activities and other variables within the diver population based on the actual purchasing activity of the customer (i.e.: did they buy a regulator or did they participate in training which was over and above entry level?).  Segmented in this way it should be possible to determine if age, income, life-stage, geographic difference and other parameters make a difference in how promotion can generate additional business at each life stage.  In particular this objective will include a review of younger versus older demographic targets, and determine in what way each can be a viable target market, depending on geographic location, life-stages, buying habits and other factors.

·         Objective:  Develop a demographic profile of the non-diver who tries diving in the Be A Diver Pool.
Utilize a rolling automated survey process to track ‘lifecycle’ of activity from non-diving to dropout to reactivation.  Thousands of potential customers have tried diving in the Be A Diver Pool since its inception 10 years ago.  Reaching back into the previous customer records and applying the same life-stage and demographic profiling techniques should provide insights into the non-diver and the new diver and provide insight as to how influential age, income, life-stage, geographic difference and other parameters are in recruiting new divers.

·         Objective:  Review participation data from the Sports and Fitness Industry Association (SFIA.org) for snorkeling and scuba diving.
Existing data will provide verification, and a starting point for key goals, eliminating some data collection processes within this plan.  SFIA has provided participation data for snorkeling and scuba as well as data on competing activities for many years.

·         Objective:  Gather previous diving industry research from a variety of sources to use as benchmarks.
Outcome: Development of an industry strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis (SWOT analysis) which can be cross-referenced by the Strategic Planning Committee and should assist in providing verification of broad trends and a starting point for key goals.

·         Objective:  Determine the purchasing habits of active divers, along with understanding purchase timing and actual dollars spent by active divers with regard to purchases of equipment, travel and other categories.  Determine why some divers are active (and purchasing) and why others are not active buyers.  Differentiate the purchasing habits and dollars of at least two levels of certified divers: those who are certified only at the entry-level/”Open Water” certification level, and those who are certified above the entry level.  In addition, determine the demographics and life-stage differences (if any) among these two groups.
Outcome should include an understanding of:
ü  When, and what equipment is purchased during the initial certification course and the twelve months after.
ü  When, and what travel is purchased during the initial certification course and the twelve months after.
ü  When, and what equipment is purchased during certification courses higher than the open water/entry-level, and for the twelve month period after.
ü  When, and what travel is purchased during certification courses higher than the open water/entry-level, and the twelve months after completion.
ü  Dollar values spent by diving customers on the above.

The Research Committee’s initiatives will seek to provide input to several of DEMA’s overall organizational goals for the benefit of the membership, including:
a.             Defining the universe of divers
b.            Determining the rate of erosion amongst existing divers 
c.             Determining key appeals of the activity for target groups
d.            Revising non-diving perceptions of barriers to entry
e.             Identifying ideal groups for activity attraction in terms of expenditures/activity
f.             Identifying activity/purchase trends in travel, education & equipment sales
g.            Geographic identification of expenditures by region vs. activity levels.

The next DEMA Board Meeting is currently scheduled for June 5th and 6th, 2013 and the Research Committee will be meeting during this time to further develop the work plan to meet these objectives.

More information on DEMA’s Board of Directors and Bylaws is available on the DEMA website. Complete minutes from past Board of Directors Meetings are available to current DEMA Members from the Member Dashboard of www.dema.org.

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